WGL Energy to develop one of the largest solar arrays in Pennsylvania for Susquehanna University
U.S. based WGL Energy Systems, a WGL company headquartered in Washington, D.C., announced on December 18 that it has entered into an agreement with Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania to develop a 3.9 MW DC (3 AC MW) ground-mounted solar array that will supply 30 percent of the university’s electricity needs.
Construction has already begun on the 12,000-panel, 14-acre project, located at the Center for Environmental Education and Research (CEER) along the western border of campus on Sassafras Street. It is the largest university-sponsored solar array in Pennsylvania. The facility is expected to be completed by summer of 2018.

Members of the campus community took park in a ceremonial groundbreaking to mark the start of construction of the Susquehanna-WGL Energy Systems 12,000-panel solar array. Photo Credit: Susquehanna University.
Sanjiv Mahan, president, WGL Energy Systems said:
“WGL Energy is proud of our presence throughout Pennsylvania and to extend our offering of diverse and innovative energy solutions – it’s exciting to partner with the university and develop our first solar project in Pennsylvania. We look forward to expanding our business to provide more energy answers in the Commonwealth.”
Jonathan D. Green, president, Susquehanna University said:
“Susquehanna University is proud to support the development of one of the largest solar projects in Pennsylvania. This is a major step forward in the university’s commitment to implementing earth-friendly initiatives that are at the heart of responsible living in our interdependent world.”
The solar array is estimated to produce more than 5,300 megawatt hours (MWh) per year of electricity, enough to power all of the campus’ residence halls and avoid greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to taking approximately 787 cars off the road each year.
Susquehanna will purchase that electricity from WGL Energy. WGL Energy Systems, which has more than 200 MW of distributed generation projects installed or under contract across 20 states and the District of Columbia, will own and operate the facility under a 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA).
Source: Press Release by WGL Energy Systems and Susquehanna University. Photo Credit: WGL Energy Systems (Artist’s rendering).