Green Lantern Solar resumes construction of solar projects at sites in East New Haven and Underhill re-energizing Vermont’s economy
Green Lantern Solar is closing in on 100 solar projects as construction gets underway at sites in East New Haven and Underhill. After a brief break due to COVID-19 work stoppages, Green Lantern Solar is safely and cautiously leading the economy forward with these large outdoor construction projects, keeping hardworking Vermonters employed in the state’s resilient renewable energy sector.
Upon completion of these and other upcoming projects, Green Lantern will have provided Vermont’s utilities with an additional 38 MW (AC) of new in-state solar power, from sites located in 66 Vermont towns.
These projects, all of which have been constructed under Vermont’s successful net-metering program, directly benefit more than 50 school districts and towns throughout Vermont, as well as major employers throughout Vermont (including Cabot Agrimark Dairy Cooperative, Sugarbush, Mt Snow, Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, Smuggler’s Notch and others).
These entities utilize the net metering credits from Green Lantern’s projects to save significant amounts on their electric bills. Aside from clean energy, Green Lantern’s projects also generate lease payments for the property owners and tax payments to the State.
John Alberghini, Superintendent, Chittenden East Supervisory Union said:
“The Mount Mansfield Modified Union School District is excited to be participating with Green Lantern in ‘multiple’ solar projects. The economic, environmental, and social benefits are meaningful for our schools. We are always interested in opportunities with companies that represent local interests. The projects will provide most of our annual power needs, thereby reducing our annual operating budget. They dovetail perfectly with our goals to work towards environmental sustainability and support our communities.”
About Green Lantern Solar
Green Lantern Solar is a Waterbury, Vermont based renewable energy development and construction company with a particular emphasis on turn-key commercial solar solutions for municipal, education, healthcare and government entities. The company works with landowners to revitalize and re-develop low-value sites such as brownfields, landfills, quarries/pits/extraction sites and other challenging real estate. The company provides a full suite of services: development, financing, construction and operations, maintenance and asset management.
Press Release provided by Green Lantern Solar. Photo credit: © Green Lantern Solar.