European photovoltaic market estimated to 6.9 GWp in 2014, says EurObserv’ER report
EurObserv’ER, the consortium dedicated to the monitoring of the development of renewable energy sectors in the European Union, released this month the “Photovoltaic Barometer 2015” report , summarising the state for each of the EU member states for the photovoltaic energy sector using both technical and socioeconomic indicators.
According to the report the global photovoltaic market continued to expand between 2013 and 2014, rising from 37.6 GW to almost 40 GW unlike the European Union market that plummeted further.
The EurObserv’ER estimate of the European photovoltaic market is about 6.9 GWp in 2014, a 32.3 % drop on 2013, yet three years earlier, in 2011, it hovered around the 22 GWp mark.
To learn more see document below.
Source & Image Credit: EurObserv’ER.